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Hanna Levenson PhDr: Dobrá praxe v psychodynamické psychoterapii

  • 23/06/2023
  • 09:00 - 16:15

Dr. Hanna Levenson je profesorkou psychologie v Berkeley, CA, je psychoterapeutka  a supervizorka, členka boardu sekce psychoterapie APA . V Praze již opakovaně přenášela a učila v letech před kovidem. Specializuje se na krátkou dynamickou psychoterapii. S kolegy nedávno vydala publikaci o Dobré praxi v krátkodobé dynamické terapii, v níž popsali 12 oblastí klíčových intervencí, vytvořili systém nácviku těchto terapeutických dovedností a rozdělili jej do tří stupňů pokročilosti. Tento systém přijede prezentovat na seminář 23.6.2023.

Seminář je akreditován AKP jako školící akce celoživotního vzdělávání klinických psychologů.

Sama Hanna seminář popsala takto:

This workshop will focus on using deliberate practice to learn psychodynamic psychotherapy—specifically Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP). Participants will get experience using Deliberate Practice to learn specific TLDP skills.  Deliberate Practice (DP) is an evidence-based training approach that is very straight forward.  It starts by identifying a small learning goal—a skill that can described in observable verbal and nonverbal behaviors.  Then the learner engages in repetitive behavioral rehearsal of that skill, and while rehearsing, receives ongoing feedback from a teacher, supervisor or peer so that their skill level can be incrementally improved. 

I (with co-authors Volney Gay & Jeffrey Binder) have just written a book on using DP to learn psychodynamic psychotherapy skills.  We wrote 12 exercises trainees and supervisors can use to improve specific skills—skills like how to make process comments, facilitate corrective emotional experiences, use metaphors, and gather data to delineate a cyclical maladaptive pattern.  The impetus for this book is based on empirical findings and clinical wisdom that some therapists are better than others!  One major factor that accounts for their expertise is dedication to practicing their craft outside of sessions.

In the first half of the workshop, the basic principles and modes of intervention of TLDP will be described and illustrated with video examples. The rich clinical material will provide a “how to do it” focus, and create a bridge from the specifics of theory to the reality of practice. Ongoing interaction with workshop participants will keep the learning experience active and relevant. While the workshop will center on individual treatment, TLDP is also applicable for couples and groups and has been used with children and in inpatient settings.

In the second half, the concepts behind Deliberate Practice and their application to psychotherapy will be explained.  Attendees will have the opportunity to try out doing some Deliberate Practice exercises with a partner.  As time permits, the workshop will close with a demonstration of individualizing a DP exercise designed to help a therapist (a volunteer) practice a particular intervention that is challenging for them.

CENA: 2 300,- KČ,- PŘI REGISTRACI DO 30.4. 2000,- 


Přihlášky zde: https://forms.gle/62gj4V6JH5HDKFGFA

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Identifikační údaje:

Česká asociace pro psychoterapii, z.s.

Náměstí I.P. Pavlova 1785/3

Praha 2, 120 00

IČ: 70860122        

Kontaktní údaje:

Telefon: +420 774 050 413

Email: info@czap.cz

Bankovní spojení:

Číslo účtu : 22332233 / 2010 

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